The Gemini Poets
Sing me the song of the summer of our love...
Sing me the song of the summer of our love
Rhythm of hearts a-dance and minds in tune
The joy so great it would not be contained,
This lilting melody, this gay song’s boon.
Through all hearts, on all sides, the blessing flowed;
The scope of love surprises with its powers.
Yet then I did not know, I could not tell
The acrid rue of life, its leaden hours.
Bitter the betrayal of me who gave so free
Bitterer, the knowledge that I too had betrayed
Bitterest of all the love that should be true and strong
In ruins; leaves the wreck insidiously made.
Was grace that I could know the Water’s surge,
And check my heart's chaotic threnody;
Then let return the theme of constant pain,
The plaintive, broken song, the haunting melody.jeh
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©Gemini Press 1972