The Gemini Poets
Norcross Avenue - Il y a cinq ans
Mercury green lights the pitted yellow flags
I step upon
Wandering home
But not home
For I but visit.
Stars show there is no cloud;
Concrete pillars stand in lieu of moon
Illuminate my way
In the town that is mine
Yet does not know me.
Dry wind blasts the empty street
My way is on
But heavy drag my feet
Yet not in sober reflection
But with emotion.
Sharp thrill of nerve that ripples through my frame:
Just then, the passive ‘I’ is self-aware
And, yet unknown, unloved, and knowing then
That same aloneness
Which thows that ‘I’ upon an unresponsive world
That will not answer
Yet still permits communion
With untold others - unsung and with no name -
Who earlier claimed this town or street as home
(As if an abstract could possess!)
Who with me played - won, lost - this fragile game.jdy - april 1972
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©Gemini Press 1972