The Gemini Poets

Song for Advent

I shut the city door, come out here
On dark soil sucked by dark wind
To throw my seedless words against the earth,
Speaking myself to nakedness.
I must unknow that there was ever fire
My hands had formed, that there was ever
Light of my making. That there were ever
Words my mouth had shaped. That I have ever seen
A time that was not winter.

Can there be any day but this,
Though many suns to shine endeavour?
And fail here in the unhelped night.
I have forgotten how to raise the sun.

                                        And must be taught
To lean against the wind.

The wind has taken my dropped words, I do not know
If it will send them back again,
                                        But gives me words
That speak my nakedness and do not clothe.
                                        Even so come, amen.


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©Gemini Press 1972