The Gemini Poets

I am Judas...

I am Judas & I won’t Believe.
Nothing is between me & Destruction
only time -
      I shall put that out of the way
and then I shall see Jesus.

I know how to be with Him
that to be with Him
      I must be separate
      live out my life.
Let others then live through me.

My love, how can I give my love?
He wants to die, what can I do but aid Him?
I want to live, what can I do but act?
How can my love be born but in destruction?

I was Judas
      dead now, because He was my life,
My love, my pride, my Self.
I do not write this, for I have no hand
      just nameless flesh with which to hang
            my nameless flesh.

I am Judas, who also am the writer of this verse.
Christ was my brother, I know because I killed Him.
He knew, because He watched God bring me down.
We will be buried together.


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©Gemini Press 1972