The Gemini Poets

Into the whirling whirlpool...

Into the whirling whirlpool wordless
You & I, my love
Though we don’t will it,
Will Other
And Other will be
time before mind, time after mind,
time out of mind, we drift in the stream
Of our life, & the life that is not ours.
Never would I deny your love & your wife’s!
all that love which is yours together,
I glory & gleam in it.
But I’m lost in the brown water now
We are lost out of the present for the future
            once upon a time, time out of mind.

Sluggish & sandy
brown, lapping, gurgling, resounding waters
Down in the shingle sound in my ears
In the satisfaction inside me
Written down, sealed down, then die down
Dive down! acknowledge
            we travel some path
            together somewhere your hand holds mine.

I may fear to lose you but there is no foothold
            for either to turn back.
We meet in the future you and I
We have met in each other
A time out of mind.


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©Gemini Press 1972