Gemini Twin

Preface (1974)

“One rapidly learns that there are only three subjects which poems can be written about.”

So said our editor as he handed over the copy for Gemini Twin. There may be but three experiences which inspire the poetic muse but she takes each and everyone of us in an unique way and the result is an infinitude of poems.

Our last volume brought us many new friends of whom several revealed themselves as Gemini Poets and have consequently joined us in Gemini Twin. Variety of approach is thus assured even if the editor’s pleasurable task is made much more difficult.

We must thank Mrs M.G. Edwards for permission to use her ‘Haiku’ from Many-Coloured Glass and Manifold and ‘Double Haiku’ from Many-Coloured Glass, and Richard Jeavons for 'The Path' reprinted from Eagle.

The Treasurer of The Christian Movement for Peace (CMP) writes: “Over £50 came to CMP from the sale of the first Gemini Poets, which went towards sponsoring much-needed work­camps. It also brought the goodwill of several people whose first contact with CMP the booklet was. I welcome a second Gemini not only as treasurer of the British Branch of CMP but as a member who very much enjoyed the first Gemini. Yours in Peace, Andrew Blackburn.” We hope and pray that Gemini Twin will surpass the record of The Gemini Poets in facilitating the work of this valuable organisation.

Once again jeh introduces our collection...

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©Gemini Press 1974