Gemini Twin
Lady of the Snows
Viewing the shining lodestar all his weary way
He came at last to the last bill of his journey
A proud young knight in rusty armour,
Come to rescue his Lady.
For his love she was imprisoned in a place
of freezing snows,
And yet he truly wooed her, though his warm heart
All wounded by the piercing tears
Bestowed on him by his Lady.
At length his patience won for him a smile,
But such as ever daunted heart of man.
It blasted in him burning chivalry -
And the love he bore his Lady.
Shunning the shining lodestar all his weary way,
He turned then to the first hill of his journey,
Pride and youth and armour ruined:
Left to the snows his Lady.jeh
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©Gemini Press 1974