Gemini Twin
To the Christ of the Summer’s Warmth
O weariness
O warmth that touching air feels sweat
Stick its garments in a heavy web
Of dew - not glistening -
But throbbing through my humid head.
O love
O peace contentment spending lifeless hours
In tactile tacky rest:
Wordless - for we give not each to other
But we share.
O joy
O restlessness at task projected
Partly mapped but drowsy pendant
Till a fresher light might wake the morning
To execution.
O sacrifice
O coin crushed against the icy rail
In curiosity of idle anticipation
At locomotive grave impetuosity
Struck copper sweat blood.
O drosy
O companion in voluntary inability
Trusting to another similar
Sweating children play about your pain
Panting toss the bitter sphere aloft.
O awful
O friendless friend who sharing private love
Accept my bold conspiracy of treachery
Wilting in the searching heat
Of public agony.jdy - jul 1972
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©Gemini Press 1974