Gemini 3
The mark of Two 2 (too)
Systole, diastole.
The mark of Cain
is the mark of two:
the cloven hoof,
the horns of a dilemma.
A forced choice of question,
not posed but
shaken in your face,
two inches from your eyes,
giving you seconds to answer,
brooking no delay.
A biological bifurcation.
The body mirrors the mind:
our bilateral uniformity,
(two arms, two legs, two eyes).
Our two-sided brain.
Seeing things in stereo.
Owning up to two options
and needing to decide on one of them.
Two three four five six seven
eight nine.
You can't sit on the fence.
The anus is sited specifically
to preclude that sort of activity.
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© Occasional Impressions 1987