The Harvest of the Muse
The harvest is now ended
The harvest now is ended
the good gifts safe brought in
the blessing poured on every race
by which God makes us rich again.
It‘s plain to see the true God lives
proved in so many works of love -
for harvest home and ripeness given
we praise him to the highest heaven.
We praise him for the good things
which he gives us from the field -
he knows our wants before our prayer
supplies our needs with his great care.
He treats us kindly, gives us joy,
despite our wayward living;
he lets us live in peace secure,
finds joy in to us freely giving.
He steers us home to his great love
and comforts us with words of peace;
he shows his mercy many ways
and feeds our spirit all our days.
He takes our soul when comes life’s end:
his harvest at the dusk of days;
with heart and mouth and true life lived
we meanwhile give him thanks and praise.
For harvest gifts and harvest joys
may praise to God be not forgotten,
but to all ages, through all lands,
and from all peoples, let it happen!W.M. (1995), after Gottfried Tollmann (1725)
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© Occasional Impressions 2005