The Harvest of the Muse
On entering a Church in Suffolk one Monday Morning in October
Look, Jack, they’ve had their Harvest Festival!
What lovely flowers, so lovingly displayed.
What produce too! They’ve filled their every windowsill.
How they love God! Their thanks lies all around.
See, here’s the font, resplendent in such greenery.
Just count those eggs - the promise of new birth.
How many villagers received their life-long names here?
How many souls, to God returned, were won?
Look, here’s a plough to cut the earth and ready it.
And here’s some grain, our food, the produce of the land.
And see the arch, entwined with hops and grape-rich vines,
drawing us through towards the holy table-feast.
Come, see the gifts the children brought just yesterday,
and see the harvest loaf, broken for all to share;
come, feel the prayer where all can meet in fellowship:
join in their silent praise, our bridge to God repair.J.J.Davidson
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© Occasional Impressions 2005