The Harvest of the Muse

Prayer to the Creator

In all that knows its presence in this precious hour,
in every thought and action, promise and regret,
in every hope and disappointment, word of love or prayer,
you, Lord our God, are present; you are there.

Before was played the first scene I can call to mind,
before my time, before my parents found a love to share,
before the stars in heaven began with dancing light to shine,
you, Lord our God, were present; you were there.

Beyond that vain deceit in which we claim to understand,
beyond the spider’s net of knowledge that our minds ensnare,
beyond the wildest fantasy to which our thoughts will dare,
you, Lord our God, be present, pray be there.

In past and present, secret thoughts and shared,
you know all, see all, gently hold our fragile being safe,
the rumour of your wisdom daily keeps us from entire despair:
past, present, future Lord, be present with us, always, ever there.

Ian I. Gracey

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© Occasional Impressions 2006