The Harvest of the Muse

The Promise

As stubble stands in new cut fields
and barns are full and shelves stocked high,
now praise our God for all he gives,
let no one doubt and none deny
to him the glory and the worship
for he does our needs supply.

As hunger stalks a land far off
and food by air we must supply,
still praise our God for all he gives
still do not doubt nor yet deny
to him the glory and the worship
if by plane the food must fly.

For he gives to our abundance
more than we can want or need
and he prompts us by his Spirit
joyfully the poor to feed -
that the riches of the harvest
none may cluch in selfish greed.

His the praise and his the glory,
for his love makes all things even
and his grace makes good his promise
that through giving, all are given
hope that each may find a dwelling
in the harvest of God‘s heaven.

William McQueen

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© Occasional Impressions 2005