The Harvest of the Muse

The Turning Year

The seasons come and seasons go
as winter yields its place to spring.
Then summer follows in the flow,
and autumn winds their wailings sing.

The sky reflects the turning year
from winter’s grey to summer’s blue;
and fields throw off the dull and drear
and green takes on a golden hue.

The day is short, the day is long:
the pattern shapes our life and toil
and lazy summer’s spell is strong,
which autumn’s urgency must spoil.

And praying too must follow on
from life’s rich cycle of delight:
rogation’s treasures soon are won
as harvest‘s riches come in sight.

And so we all our praise must bring
and thankful lay before God’s throne
our earnest, grateful offering
from all his gifts, the best alone.

Richard Wakefield

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© Occasional Impressions 2005