Occasional Impressions - music, prose, poetry and prayer on the web
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Welcome to Occasional Impressions Occasional Impressions is a growing collection of material from various sources, much of which has been published and performed in a variety of forms over the past thirty years or more. Its bias is to explore areas of faith and spirituality. It is reproduced here in the hope that it may be of interest, of use or of help to a wider audience. Please bear with the editors if there are gaps or failings in the presentation while the site is being reconstructed (2020).
© Occasional Impressions 2005
News and Recent Additions Strange Advent - by D G Moody (December 2020) Two Trees -by D.G. Moody (December 2020) The Novice - by D.G. Moody (July 2020) The Way of the Cross - Fifteen Stations, with Epilogue - by D.G. Moody (June 2020) We are very sorry to report that Jane Hitchcot, ‘jeh’ in the original Gemini Poets from 1972 onwards and through to Gemini Four (May 2011), died on Wednesday 13th May 2020. It is hoped to offer a further collection, Gemini 5, in Jane’s memory during the autumn of 2020.