Occasional Impressions - music, prose, poetry and prayer on the web
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Occasional Impression Music Collections You shall be a blessing You shall be a blessing for all my people; you shall be a blessing for all my world. For I formed it, I shaped it, I love it: gave my life to save it. You shall be a blessing. You shall be an ensign for all my people; you shall bear an emblem that shows the world that I died to forgive all who follow in my footsteps praying, calling me their Saviour. You shall be a beacon before my people, burning with the bright flame that lights the world with the fire of my love and the promise I shall never leave you, always be your Saviour. You shall be a blessing for all my people; you shall be a blessing for all my world. For I formed it, I shaped it, I love it: gave my life to save it. You shall be my blessing. You shall be my blessing. John-David Yule Listen to the music of You shall be a blessing (MIDI file). Look at the score of You shall be a blessing (PDF file). (Some of the music lines may not appear correctly on screen, but the file will print adequately.) return to Themes and variations contents. Please note that the quality of reproduction of the MIDI files included in these collections depends on the quality of the soundcard/external music system that the player software is set to use for music reproduction. If possible, select the best available sounds collection for playing these files.
© Occasional Impressions 2005