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Occasional Impression Music Collections He saw a world (The Nativity of the Lord) Strathallan 1 He saw a world in need of love; he saw a world in need of care. His grieving heart bade him respond and in his world his soul to bare. 2. He joins his people in their homes; he joins his people in the street. Wherever strife or conflicts blaze, he’s there to bid the people meet. 3. He heals the broken-hearted love, he calms the mind that sears with pain. His wounds can purge the vilest sins: his hurt restores to life again. 4. He comes to you this Christmastime; he comes to bring good news and cheer - hope for the morrow to the end of time - his promise, ‘I am always near.’ John-David Yule Listen to the music of He saw a world (MIDI file). return to Themes and variations contents.
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