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Occasional Impressions Prayer Collections Meditations Meditation 1: 1 John 3.16-4.6 1. Showing the truth by our actions. It’s not easy, Lord, this showing the truth by our actions. So often we just get things wrong - we misunderstand - we misinterpret - we’re just plain careless about taking note of what other people are saying to us - we don’t listen. The truth is that too often we only care about ourselves. We’ve no room left for other people - their concerns, their cares, their pains, their anger with the world - and with us. Help us, Lord, to look outside of ourselves and hear the cry of our neighbour. Help us to hear - and respond. 2. Real love. Lord, this ‘real love’ seems so costly. Your love for us cost you your life. How can we hope to match such loving? Yes, Lord, we know we ought to be grateful - we know we ought to show a similar kind of loving in return. But it’s too much. We’ve got to think of ourselves sometimes - well, most of the time - no, let’s be honest, all of the time. We just can’t live up to the standard that you have set before us. We’ve tried - we’ve tried again and again - well, we’ve tried once or twice - some of the time. No, it was only a half-hearted try - once. Such loving is just too difficult, too costly. Lord, give us the courage to try again to love after the pattern of loving that you have shown to us. May those around us feel the reality of your love for us, our love for you and our love for them and for each another. 3. Testing the spirits. Lord, this really is the scary bit. So much depends upon it - getting this right. You’re right - there is so much evil in the world. And so much of it masquerades as goodness. So many false prophets speak as if they were communicating your will. How can we tell in which words we really can find your Spirit? Lord, give us your help to discern the spirits - whether they really come from you. 4. Belonging to God. Yes, Lord, this really is the good part: “...you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” Lord, we seek you in the stillness - show us your peace, your grace, your love, your calm. Show us how to conquer the world in your name; give us the courage to spend our lives in your service. For you have done far more for us. Cast our fear! Come among us here. Show us your peace, your grace, your love, your calm. Amen.
© Occasional Impressions 2008 (October)