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Occasional Impressions Prayer Collections Meditations Meditation 4: Time and Eternity God, it’s me. I am here. I am here for you now. God, you are here with me now - I hope - I believe. You are listening to me here - now - I hope - I believe. And I hope that I am listening also to you - for you. Or do I speak so much that I forget to listen? *** God, I am still here. I am still here for you now. But it is now a different now. Now’s now is a little later that the first now at which I spoke to you. You are still listening - I hope - I believe. But for you, perhaps it is the same now - the one, immortal, eternal now - the now that is you, O God of being, whose name is ‘to be’: ‘I AM THAT I AM’. *** God, you know my today. Of course, you do. You are here with me now in my today. And you are present with me too in all my yesterdays. You know my petty successes - and all my little failings. You know where I come from - you know where I am going. God, I am so thankful that you are with me now. I am so thankful that you know all my yesterdays and still stick by me. For you forgive. Jesus tells me that you forgive - you forgive all those little failings (and some quite big ones) - you forgive all my arrogance and and all my pride at what I count as my successes. *** God, you are our help in ages past. You are our hope in years to come. You stand by us in this fleeting present moment. You support us in this one, immortal, eternal now. God of time and eternity. God outside time and eternity. God who is being - the ground and foundation of all being - I AM THAT I AM. In your I AM I have my I am: I live my life - all my yesterdays - all the nows of my todays - all the moments of my tomorrows. Many or few - God, you know - for all time and eternity lies open before your I AM. God, I bring you my worship in this now of my present; I bring my thanksgiving at your forgiveness of my yesterdays; I bring my amazement at your forgiving of my tomorrows. Amazing God of time and eternity, all lies open before your one eternal now. I hope. I believe. I worship. I adore. God, hear my prayer - and help me listen to your word. Amen.
© Occasional Impressions 2009 (June)