Occasional Impressions
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The Way of the Cross - D.G. Moody
Fourteenth Station
Jesus laid in the tomb
Mark 15: 46,47
Gently, gently, let him down,
help us lift his thorny crown.
Wipe the blood from his face;
he shall no longer be abased.
Lay him upon a cloth of linen,
let them pass, the weeping women;
to anoint him as undefiled,
their tender love, as to a child.
“The pity of it, I, Joseph of Arimathea,
could only do what was right so late.
A disciple, but in secret, for fear
of the Sanhedrin I had to placate.
Yet I never consented to his death;
instead, I sought permission from Pilate:
to lay him to rest, in a tomb near here;
its being new, it was the least I could do.”
“For the love of him, I, Mary Magdalen,
came here with his mother and others,
to be with him – he who never sinned.
More than knowing he was the Messiah,
he taught me love – the blessing from above;
and for that those men nailed him to a tree,
for the truth, their blind pride could never see.
I will follow with Mary, to his tomb.”
Wrapped in linen, placed on a cart,
his body is taken away,
to the tomb where he will lie;
while the others depart, the two
women settle down; they will stay.