Occasional Impressions
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Occasional Impressions Prayer Collections
Stations of the Cross
Jesus carries the cross
Hewn with an axe - trimmed with an adze:
not planed but left rough - fit for rough justice.
Splintered wood for splintered bone
fit to carry a splintered life -
with splintered hopes and splintered dreams.
Cheap timber - not the finest:
knotty grain solves knotty problem:
knotted sinews, twisted in pain.
Iron nails wrought from the iron rod -
fit like the rod of birch with which to beat:
imposing an iron will -
the axe to hew, the adze to level.
Via dolorosa
Road, gate, ginnel, street.
Cobble, sett, flag, quoin.
Earth, dirt, grime, filth,
Rood to bear but here to fall.
Shout, cry, whoop, wail.
Beat, strike, push, trip.
Scorn, insult, jeer, mock.
Rood to bear and feel forlorn.
Birdsong, music, dance, drum.
Cheer, whistle, clap, call.
Loss, pain, chafe, scar.
Rood to bear but strength is gone.
Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to the cross
Simon of Cyrene
I can’t believe what has just taken place
I’ve come here for a purpose and ended up
in an utterly different situation
How has this happened? Why me of all people?
Well I could come up with some possible reasons of course
I’m not from around here and maybe it shows
Do you know how far it is from Cyrene to Jerusalem?
It’s over a thousand miles and not a trip undertaken lightly
So why undertake it? What makes it worth the effort?
Well for a Jew in Cyrene, Jerusalem is the place to be at Passover
We’re a far-flung outpost, but it’s the centre of the faith
I’d done all the preparation and was just making my way
into the city
I saw this rag-tag procession coming towards me
with crowds alongside
What was this about? Was it curiosity that made me pause?
There were three of them, two carrying crosses and one who’d fallen
I’ve heard the pre-execution beatings often kill
and he looked more than half dead
No Jew would want to help and so draw attention to himself
And he would be defiled if he was to touch the cross or the man
Would the guards help? Or would they order someone else to do it?
Silly question, to my horror they seized on me
I had to do it - an order from a Roman cannot be disobeyed.
Even I know that
So here I was, shouldering a heavy cross,
when I should have been making my way to the temple
Some in the crowd were wailing, others were shouting abuse
Did they think I was a criminal? Whose cross was this anyway?
When we reached the place of execution, I didn't stay to watch
No thanks from anyone when they’d ruined my day - my whole trip
I heard tales later of strange happenings when he died
And even stranger ones a few days later
Was I just in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Or was I in the right place at the right time?
It was a very long way to come just for this
Will time show that it was more important than I thought?
Jill Holland
Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem
Jesus meets the Women of Jerusalem
I am tormented and suffering
I wonder just how much more agony I can take
I hear women wailing
I see women beating their breasts
I feel love and compassion for them
I am tormented and suffering
I call “do not weep for me, weep for your children”
I know there is worse to come
I worry that they do not understand
I cry “Blessed are the barren”
I want to prepare them for their own times of sorrow
I am tormented and suffering
I say “For if they do this when the wood is green,
what will happen when it is dry?”
I mean if they can do this to an innocent man
I dread what they will do to the guilty
I endure this to give them heaven
I hope they understand
I am tormented and suffering
Caroline Stevens
© Occasional Impressions 2011 (March)