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Occasional Impressions Poetry Collections
Harvest of the muse
The kingdom harvest
Food to eat and bread to share,
thanks to give and faith to dare,
all’s a plenty, nought left bare,
in the kingdom harvest.
Old and young and middling too,
black and white and mixed-up hue:
all together, friends anew
in the kingdom harvest.
Strong and hearty, weak and pale,
placid natured - tempest - gale:
each included, none can fail
in the kingdom harvest.
Man or woman, girl or youth,
king or pauper, kind or gruff:
come together, live the truth
in the kingdom harvest.
Fears abandon, hopes renew,
trust in Jesus: he wins through;
joy and peace for me and you
in the kingdom harvest.
Gary Rhead
© Occasional Impressions 2009